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The presence of allergen soy has not been declared in rice from Italy. This issue was flagged as ‘serious’ by the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, (RASFF). Due to this alert, the product has been recalled by the Italian company. Testing for the allergen at the company base allowed for this issue to be flagged. There are severe health hazards for not correctly testing and labelling produce which is why the RASFF plays such an important role in the food and feed produce world. Soy is a common food allergy and depending on the severity of the allergy, can

Last week at the German border, a ‘serious’ level of aflatoxins were found in pistachio kernels from Turkey. The finding, which happened on 11th January 2022, meant action had to be taken on the Turkish goods. The pistachio kernels were rejected at the border and the consignments were detained, (RASFF). As border control flagged this issue as ‘serious’, it can be assumed that the levels of aflatoxins found in the pistachio kernels could be hazardous to consumers. The sampling found Aflatoxins total and Aflatoxin B1 in the contaminated goods. Consumption of aflatoxins pose a serious health threat to both humans and livestock,

Throughout the end of 2021, here at Biorex Food we have been finalising our move into our new headquarters. Based in Antrim Technology Park, our custom built 30,000 square-foot facility is now open and a secure base for all our staff. With the initial project announced in 2019 by the Biorex Food Diagnostics Directors, it was exciting to see the final stages finally coming into place. With over £8m invested in the new headquarters, BFD have only the best Research and Development equipment to ensure our high quality products are kept to this great standard. Research and Development is at the heart

We would like to wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year as we head off for the Christmas break. Our office will be closed from Friday 24th December 2021 - Tuesday 4th January 2022, all emails and enquries will be replied to when the office reopens.  Contact sales@biorexfooddiagnostics.com with any queries regarding orders or delivery times.

During the recent SeaBOS Company’s annual meeting the group reaffirmed their commitment to improving sustainability of seafood throughout the supply chain. SeaBOS companies represent over 10% of global seafood production, consisting of more than 600 subsidiary companies and 10 of the worlds’ largest seafood companies including; Maruha Nichiro Corporation, Nissui, Thai Union, Mowi, Dongwon Industries and Cermaq. The companies collectively agreed to work towards; Eradicating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and forced labour Protecting endangered species Phasing out the use of antibiotics Reducing plastic pollution Reducing greenhouse gas emissions This proactive approach began in 2016 when SeaBOS established a partnership with

Honey is one of natures’ most fascinating products, its biological characteristics mean that it has various health benefits and antimicrobial properties. The unique features of honey mean that it has antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it one of nature’s most natural substances.  The product is used globally within the health, food and cosmetic industries. In recent years there have been rising concerns over the contamination of honey with antibiotics and other substances and led to several studies into the results of this in both bee and human health. Antibiotic residues are found in honey when they are used to treat hives

When we think of antibiotic resistance, we rarely associate the growing global problem with fast food chains, but fast food outlets are one of the largest buyers of farmed meat in the world and many have started to focus on how their policies can impact antibiotic resistance. In the US, medically important antibiotics are mainly administered to farmed animals and have led to the development of ‘superbugs’ that are resistant to treatment and can affect humans as well as animals. In recent years, campaigners have focused on pushing household name retailers and fast food chains to demand change within the farming

In the last decade, the UK poultry industry has reported significant gains in striving for better bird health and welfare that uses antibiotics responsibly in order to protect their long-term effectiveness. The British Poultry Council (BPC) report states that since 2012, the BPC Antibiotic Stewardship has helped attain; 74.2% reduction in the total use of antibiotics 95.5% reduction in the use of critically important antibiotics 97.2% reduction in the use of fluroquinolones The UK are in strong support of taking action to ensure antibiotics remain effective for future generations and curbing the growth of antimicrobial resistance. To achieve these reported results, the

In September the Russian Government announced that they have voted to support a bill to tighten control over the administration of antibiotics in animal feed production. If the bill goes ahead and is approved by both parliament and the president, it will ban farmers from adding antibiotics to feed and suppliers from selling feed containing antibiotics, unless there is a prescription or special licence in place to do so. Currently in Russia, farmers can administer antibiotics in unlimited amounts without restriction. Veterinary standards only state that no antibiotic residues above the permitted limits can be found in the finished product, although only

This week Polish border checks found a ‘serious’ level of aflatoxins in groundnuts from the US, resulting in a border rejection and notification on the RASFF EU Portal. The finding reported 'serious' levels of aflatoxins in the shipment, indicating the nuts would pose a high risk to the public if consumed. Aflatoxins are a type of mycotoxin that are naturally produced by fungi and mould from the Aspergillus Flavus species.   Regular testing is carried out for aflatoxins on a wide range of feed and cereal based products due to the side effects in humans and animals if consumed, these include; Vomiting