Reliable ELISA based tests for the detection of
antibiotics and mycotoxins in dairy samples.

Advanced Screening for Drug Residues in dairy
In the farming industry, a number of antibiotics and veterinary drugs can be used to treat infected animals and prevent widespread contamination among herds.
To regulate the level of drugs administered, Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) for substances are in place to monitor the use of authorised veterinary drugs, this ensures herds do not become antibiotic resistant and to prevent drug residues from travelling through the food chain and being processed for human consumption with products such as dairy.
To ensure sample levels do not exceed Maximum Residue Limits and do not contain unauthorised substances, 96T Competitive ELISA based screening tests are available to deliver reliable, accurate results within a quick turnaround time.
Features & Benefits
Biorex Food Diagnostics is committed to continual investment in R&D and offer customers a range of features and benefits to ensure kits meet their needs
Fast Assay Time
Assay times range from 45-105 minutes
Excellent Precision
Immunoassay ELISA Technology offers high accuracy and precision
Easy to use
Kits are provided in an easy to use format with ready to use reagents
Cost Effective
Enables users to reduce outsourcing costs