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FlowSense Range Introducing our new FlowSense product line. Our initial release, tailored for the honey industry, features a range of antibiotic test panels. It includes single and multiplex rapid test strips, enabling the detection of up to 49 antibiotics using only six products. Explore Here Food Safety Innovation Biorex Food Diagnostics (BFD) are a manufacturer of innovative food and feed safety tests. We work with food producers, governments, and laboratories to deliver innovative food and feed testing kits to improve food safety worldwide. Product Range

Products by Industry

Meat and Poultry Logo-FINAL

Test for antibiotics, growth promoters and pesticides

Seafood Logo-FINAL

A wide range of antibiotic tests available

Honey Logo-FINAL

A range of antibiotic & honey quality parameter tests available

Dairy Logo-FINAL

Test for antibiotics, growth promoters & mycotoxins

Feed and Cereal Logo-FINAL

ELISA kits available for growth promoters & mycotoxins

Dried Fruit and Nuts Logo-FINAL

Test for main mycotoxins in a range of fruit & nut sample types

Urine Logo-FINAL

Urine tests for a range of antibiotics & growth promoters

Others Logo-FINAL

Tests for egg, wine and other unique sample types

Why choose

Biorex Food Diagnostics?

Simultaneous results for 45 samples

Less than one tenth the cost of confirmatory analysis per sample

Fast Assay Time

Minimal technical expertise required

Reagents are ready-to-use

Breakapart microtitre wells


Typical Incubation times <45mins

Faster time to results

Cost Effective

Low rate of false positives (<5%)

Typical CVs of 2-8%

Excellent Precision

Validated in accordance with EU directive 2002/657

Excellent correlatinon using external quality control materials (FAPAS)

Exceptional Accuracy

Protocol videos provided

Remove and in-person training available

Full laboratory set-ups available

Training & Technical Support


Become a Distributor

Biorex Food Diagnostics has built a large network of established distributors who represent us in over 100 countries across five continents. Through their skills and reach, our distributors are delivering Biorex Food Diagnostics testing solutions to food processors, laboratories and research institutions globally.

Contact us today if you are interested in joining our growing distribution network.