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Dried Fruit & Nuts

Biorex Food Diagnostics deliver reliable ELISA based tests for the detection of
mycotoxins in dried fruit & nut samples


Advanced ELISA Screening for Mycotoxins & Allergens 

Dried fruit & nut products are used as ingredients in a wide variety of products and testing for mycotoxin residues is essential to ensure the safe supply of products to consumers.

Mycotoxins are naturally occurring toxins produced by certain moulds and can develop in a variety of feed and grain based samples. Mycotoxins can be prevalent when stored in certain conditions or regions due to particular climates and temperatures. If animals or humans consume mycotoxin contaminated products this can lead to a number of adverse health conditions. Biorex Food Diagnostics offer a range of antibiotic and mycotoxin tests for dried fruit and nut samples.

Features & Benefits

Biorex Food Diagnostics is committed to continual investment in R&D and offer customers a range of features and benefits to ensure kits meet their needs

Fast Assay Time

Assay times range from 45-105 minutes

Excellent Precision

Immunoassay ELISA Technology offers high accuracy and precision

Work with Us - Proven Product Performance 3
Easy to use

Kits are provided in an easy to use format with ready to use reagents

Cost Effective

Enables users to reduce outsourcing costs


Biorex Food Diagnostics deliver kits for testing mycotoxins and allergens in dried fruit and nut samples.

Contact us for more information about our products & services