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Rising Mycotoxin Risks in a Warming Europe

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Rising Mycotoxin Risks in a Warming Europe

As Europe’s climate warms and humidity levels rise, the spread of harmful mycotoxins is becoming an increasing concern for food safety and public health. According to the European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing Mycotoxin exposure in a changing European climate [March 2025], the changing climate is creating favourable conditions for mycotoxin-producing fungi to thrive, leading to increased contamination of staple food crops. This growing threat requires a coordinated European response to mitigate health risks and prevent food supply disruptions. The implications of this issue extend beyond agriculture, affecting human health, economic stability, and environmental sustainability.


What are Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds naturally produced by certain fungi that grow on crops such as cereals, nuts, fruits, and spices. These toxins are secondary metabolites, meaning they are not essential for fungal growth but are instead produced under specific environmental conditions. Exposure to mycotoxins can lead to severe health issues, including hormonal disruptions, immune system suppression, organ damage, increased miscarriage risk, and even cancer (Bennett & Klich, 2003). Vulnerable populations, such as young children, pregnant women, and agricultural workers, face higher risks due to their greater sensitivity or exposure levels.

The main mycotoxins of concern include aflatoxins, ochratoxins, fumonisins, zearalenone, and trichothecenes (such as deoxynivalenol (DON) and T-2/HT-2 toxins), each produced by specific fungal species. For instance, aflatoxins are primarily produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, while DON is associated with Fusarium graminearum. Mycotoxins can develop both in the field and during storage, particularly when crops are exposed to high moisture levels, inadequate drying, or poor storage conditions. Their prevalence depends on various factors, including regional climate conditions, agricultural methods, and post-harvest handling. Deoxynivalenol (DON) is the most prevalent mycotoxin in Europe, commonly occurring in wheat, maize, and barley in temperate regions (Van der Fels-Klerx et al., 2012).

The impact of mycotoxins on human health cannot be overstated. Aflatoxins, for example, are classified as Group 1 carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) due to their strong association with liver cancer. Chronic exposure to low levels of mycotoxins can also lead to long-term health effects, including stunted growth in children and immune system dysfunction (Wild & Gong, 2010). Even short-term exposure to high levels of mycotoxins can cause acute toxicity, with symptoms ranging from nausea and vomiting to more severe outcomes like liver failure.


How is Climate Change Impacting Mycotoxins?

Climate change is exacerbating the risks posed by mycotoxins through several mechanisms. Warmer temperatures and increased humidity create ideal conditions for fungal growth, particularly for species that produce mycotoxins. For example, studies have shown that Fusarium fungi, which produce DON, thrive under wet and warm conditions, leading to increased contamination rates in cereals (Edwards, 2004). Similarly, Aspergillus species, which produce aflatoxins, are more likely to proliferate in warmer climates, raising concerns about the introduction of these highly toxic compounds into regions where they were previously rare (Medina et al., 2017).

Extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall and prolonged droughts, further exacerbate the problem. Drought stress weakens plants, making them more susceptible to fungal infections, while excessive rainfall creates moist conditions that promote fungal growth. Additionally, contaminated soil and agricultural runoff can transport mycotoxins into water sources, which in turn increases exposure risks for humans and animals. This interconnectedness highlights the need for a holistic approach to managing mycotoxin risks in the context of climate change.

The economic consequences of mycotoxin contamination are equally concerning. Crop contamination not only reduces yields but also leads to financial losses for farmers and potential food supply shortages. Contaminated crops may be rejected by buyers, resulting in significant economic losses for producers. Furthermore, the presence of mycotoxins in animal feed can lead to reduced livestock productivity, further compounding the economic impact (Marin et al., 2013).


Regulatory Responses and Challenges

To combat these risks, governments and international regulatory bodies have set strict limits on mycotoxin levels in food and feed to protect consumers. The European Union, for example, enforces stringent maximum residue levels (MRLs) for various mycotoxins. However, climate change is now forcing regulators to reassess these thresholds, as shifting environmental conditions appear to be altering contamination patterns. For instance, the northward expansion of Aspergillus flavus in Europe has raised concerns about the emergence of aflatoxin contamination in regions where it was previously absent (Paterson & Lima, 2010).

For food producers and importers, compliance with these regulations has become crucial. Failure to meet standards can result in rejected shipments, financial losses, and reputational damage. Because of this, the demand for rapid, accurate, and cost-effective mycotoxin detection solutions has continued to grow. Advanced testing technologies are essential for ensuring food safety and protecting public health in an increasingly volatile agricultural landscape.


How We Can Help

Biorex Food Diagnostics specialises in diagnostic testing, offering high-sensitivity ELISA kits for mycotoxin detection. Widely used in the food and feed industries, these kits ensure compliance with EU and international safety standards.

BFD has also introduced the FlowSense Mycotoxin rapid testing solutions for real-time detection, enabling faster decision-making and improved mycotoxin risk management across the supply chain. With testing solutions like FlowSense, industries can stay ahead of emerging risks by implementing frequent, on-site mycotoxin testing. This not only protects consumers but also ensures supply chain integrity and business continuity in an increasingly volatile agricultural landscape.  With minimal equipment investment and a low cost per test, the FlowSense product range makes testing accessible to everyone, from small food producers to large multinational companies.

Visit our mycotoxin testing solutions page for more information.



The rising risks of mycotoxins in a warming Europe underscore the urgent need for coordinated action to protect food safety and public health. Climate change is creating conditions that favour the proliferation of mycotoxin-producing fungi, posing significant challenges for agriculture, trade, and human health. By leveraging advanced detection technologies and adopting proactive management strategies, stakeholders can mitigate these risks and ensure the resilience of Europe’s food systems in the face of a changing climate.



  1. Bennett, J. W., & Klich, M. (2003). Mycotoxins. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 16 (3), 497–516. https://doi.org/10.1128/CMR.16.3.497-516.2003
  2. Van der Fels-Klerx, H. J., van Asselt, E. D., van der Voet, H., & Goedhart, P. W. (2012). Effects of climate change on the occurrence of Fusarium toxins in wheat and maize: A review. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 29 (11), 1676–1687. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19440049.2012.714080
  3. Medina, A., Rodríguez, A., & Magan, N. (2017). Climate change and mycotoxigenic fungi: Impacts on mycotoxin production. Current Opinion in Food Science, 13, 27–32. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2214799315001319
  4. Edwards, S. G. (2004). Influence of agricultural practices on Fusarium infection and mycotoxin contamination of cereals in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 110 (7), 649–658. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378427404002401
  5. Marin, S., Ramos, A. J., Cano-Sancho, G., & Sanchis, V. (2013). Mycotoxins: Occurrence, toxicology, and exposure assessment. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 60 , 218–237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2013.07.047
  6. Wild, C. P., & Gong, Y. Y. (2010). Mycotoxins and human disease: A largely ignored global health issue. Carcinogenesis, 31 (1), 71–82. https://doi.org/10.1093/carcin/bgp264
  7. Paterson, R. R. M., & Lima, N. (2010). How will climate change affect mycotoxins in food? Food Research International, 43 (7), 1902–1914. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2009.07.010