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Nitrofurans are synthetic chemotherapeutic agents with a broad antimicrobial spectrum; they are active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Because of very slight water solubility, the Nitrofurans are used either PO or topically. No Nitrofuran is effective systemically. They are either not absorbed at all from the GI tract or are so rapidly eliminated that they reach inhibitory concentrations only in the urine. In 1991, FDA withdrew several approved food animal Nitrofuran products because of our concerns regarding their carcinogenicity.

The Nitrofuran ELISA from Biorex Food Diagnostics tests seafood and feed samples for semicarbazide residues.

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SEM FAST ELISA Ordering Information

Cat Code. Method Assay Time Limit of Detection (LoD) Cross Reactivity
BXEFB44A ELISA 96T 45mins Fish/ Shrimp: 0.15ppb
Aqueous Buffer: 0.05ppb
Feed: 0.7ppb
Meat Tissue: 0.16ppb
Honey I: 0.1ppb
Honey II: 0.1ppb
2.NP.SEM 100%