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Chloramphenicol Rapid Test

An immunochromatographic rapid test strip for the detection Chloramphenicol antibiotics, in a honey sample. These tests can be read visually or using a Flowsense reader for improved detection capability.

Why test for Chloramphenicol in honey?

Chloramphenicol is a broad spectrum antibiotic which is predominantly active against the main pathogen gram negative bacteria occurring in a number of food producing animals. Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic not authorised for use in food-producing animals in the European Union. Antibiotic residues such as chloramphenicol in foods pose a serious threat to public health due to aplastic anaemia. Due to this risk the use of chloramphenicol is food producing animals is prohibited in many countries worldwide with zero tolerance limits being imposed.  However antibiotic residues, such as Chloramphenicol have been detected in commercial honey, potentially stemming from sources such as direct beekeeping practices. It is therefore essential that the presence of this drug is continually monitored in food products such as honey.

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Chloramphenicol Rapid Test Ordering Information

Kit Target Antibiotic        Reader Detection (PPB) Visual Detection (PPB) Sample Preparation Assay Time




*Chloramphenicol TBC TBC Dilution, solvent extraction/evaporation, reconstitution 8 Minutes

*Reporting target

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